LAMBO Platform

LAMBO This platform is a powerful project! The team is in close contact with the community and easily available to share new ideas or respond to problems


LAMBO revolutionizes DeFi with their LAMBO Autostaking Protocol offering the industry's highest fixed APY, reward rebasing every 8 minutes and a simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet.

Lambo Finance is a protocol that provides an asset-backed, decentralized and external [staking]( system for cryptocurrencies. For the first time ever, users can stake their assets on Lambo Finance and be rewarded with a constant 9% interest rate (currently paying LAMBO) that is earned automatically, straight to their Lambo Finance wallet! With the Lambo Finance protocol, anyone can release a coin without an expensive development team or resources to support it.

Lambo is an unstoppable, industry-leading, higher-yielding alternative to the shared interest of DEX across crypto offering underwhelming returns. Lambo uses LAMBO tokens for its betting system which automatically rebalances and rewards members at an unlimited fixed rate over time. No other DEX in crypto provides this value and safety of capital among traders looking to maximize portfolio performance with a simple Alpha-Beta portfolio implementation scheme.

LAMBO The financial platform is a powerful project! Teams are closely connected to the community and easily accessible to share new ideas or address issues. I hope this project has dynamic growth. Lambo is a powerful project! Teams are closely connected to the community and easily accessible to share new ideas or address issues. I hope this dynamic Lambo project is an opportunity to be a part of something that will contribute a lot to the growth of the cryptocurrency industry. Join now and invest with it can bring many benefits in the future. This is sure to be a successful Lambo project as it has a great team that is more than qualified and focused on making this project a success. I have no doubts about this project and it will surely achieve great success at Lambo Finance.



LAmbo is a revolutionary investment platform that allows you to earn passive income and get rich fast. We are the only company offering the highest interest rates in the world, up to 900,368.31% APY — all deposited directly into your account at the end of each month!


Lambo Rebase is the world's first blockchain to rebase every block and compound interest every 8 minutes. This new cryptocurrency will be the most stable in crypto due to its fast growing network, fast user adoption, low inflation rate, and decentralized governance.


Lambo Insurance is a unique and innovative mechanism in the cryptocurrency space. This helps to maintain and support bet rewards by maintaining price stability and greatly reducing downside risk.


The Lambo treasury is one of the most unique features of this token. 2.5% — 5% of all trading fees will be kept in Treasury to develop the Lambo ecosystem, support digital asset development, and build a decentralized exchange platform.


LAmbo is an automated trading platform that provides liquidity to the cryptocurrency market. By providing a small incentive to all token holders, 1.5% — 3%, we will be able to increase overall market liquidity and provide a more stable cryptocurrency environment for all participants.


Lambo Token is a utility token used to trade on the Dead Valley platform. It burns 1% - 2% every time you trade. It can only be used on the Dead Valley platform, or exchanged for other coins/tokens on the exchange.


Lambo is a trading platform that will use Binance's 0.1% trading fee to buy and burn $LAMBO coins, which then distributes the amount of $LAMBO bought back to users on the platform who keep $LAMBO in their accounts in exchange for bets. The value of $LAMBO will increase as more demand goes on over time, providing its holders with a nice passive income.


Shiba Inu Token (SHIB) is the symbol we use to represent LamboToken (LAMBO). When you refer to our token, simply say SHIB instead of LAMBO to make it easier for people who want to learn more about us. 1.25%-2.5% of all trading fees means that a small amount from each transaction will be used to purchase SHIB tokens and redistribute those tokens among all owners of the $LAMBO currency — regardless of whether they are active traders or not.

Lambo Tokens & Trading Fees

$ LAMBO Token

  • Nama: Lambo Finance
  • Ticker: $LAMBO
  • Maximum supply: 20,000,000,000 LAMBO
  • Initial supply: 1,000,000 LAMBO
  • Tim: 0%
  • extra mint: no

Trading Fee

Purchase Fee (total 10%):

  • 2.5% - Insurance
  • 2.5% - Treasury
  • 1.5% - Auto Liquidity
  • 1.0% - Dead Valley
  • 1.25% - BNB Passive Income
  • 1.25% - Shib's lover

Cost of Sales (20% total):

  • 5.0% - Insurance
  • 5.0% - Treasury
  • 3.0% - Automatic Liquidity
  • 2.0% - Dead Valley
  • 2.5% - BNB Passive Income
  • 2.5% - Shib's lover

"All LAMBO holders are rewarded with automatic compound interest paid every 8 minutes."


LAMBO Autostaking Protocol provides industry highest fixed APY 900,368.31%, rebasing reward every 8 minutes, simple buy-hold-earn system that grows your portfolio in your wallet.

And especially in the case of the Lambo Ecosystem, many say that LAMBO has a unique ecosystem and is different from other projects.

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by; Mojokertos

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