PLASTIC FINANCE: Blockchain technology incentivizes households and MRFs to streamline recycling industry funding
So hey guys today I'm going to talk about one super powerful cryptocurrency project about plastic recycling so let's start with the introduction of that project.
Plastic Finance focuses on recycling plastic by increasing the productivity of scavengers. We do not disrupt the waste value chain; instead, we add value to the value chain to benefit all parties. In addition, we support a tree replanting program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution, further strengthening our commitment to a circular economy.
Plastic Finance aims to empower the waste community. We focus on activities that will increase their self-esteem, which increases their productivity and well-being.
There are two issues we want to address. The first is about inefficient recycling systems that prevent people from living in a circular economy. The second is about the essential but poor waste community.
Inefficient recycling systems hinder the circular economy. Recycling waste is a form of wealth creation. It can spur grassroots investment by the poor, create jobs, reduce poverty, save cities money, increase industrial competitiveness, conserve natural resources, and protect the environment. However, seeing how 91% of plastic waste is left unrecycled, our society still considers recycling activities to be negligible. This behavior is a legacy of the 'take-for-waste' economic development framework.
An important but poor waste community The garbage community living in landfills suffers. Landfills, especially in developing countries, are an irony. Due to the city's improper recycling system, landfills rely on informal workers as scavengers, waste sorters, transporters, and all roles in the recycling process. Thus, landfills are a source of livelihood for millions of people. However, the situation at the landfill was dire. Hazardous working conditions due to sharp and toxic waste and landslides. Living conditions are very poor due to bad smells, pests and polluted groundwater. Socially, the trash community is shunned by others because of low self-esteem. As informal workers, they are largely denied access to health insurance and pensions.
Blockchain technology and stable coins can play an important role in streamlining the funding of the plastic recycling industry, empowering the waste community, and acting as an ESG investment model. We propose three pillars of the solution:
Encourage transparency of waste prices through tokenization
Economic and social empowerment for the waste community through DeFi
Ensure the sustainability of this movement through security tokens and make this project an ESG investment model.
Combining IoT and Blockchain Using ERP software combined with modern supervision at every step of the transaction at MRF facilities from plastic waste collection to registration sales will minimize revenue slippage and increase trust among Stakeholders.
An important process in our model is the creation of a Cooperative, where the members are scavengers. The cooperative will strengthen the bargaining power of scavengers to obtain better terms of trade for their waste. Cooperatives can also protect their members from moneylenders by providing access to funding. From a social perspective, Cooperatives help empower the social status of scavengers through education and legal protection. Finally, Cooperatives have more power to accelerate the adoption of blockchain technology for waste recycling.
The creation of an MRF requires a significant capital investment. This can be done by issuing a security token, PLAS, by Plastic Finance. In return, MRF will share 60% of its annual profits with Plastic Finance, who will distribute the net proceeds to PLAS holders as a BUSD 'dividend'. Having a legal form in local laws, MRF can act as a catalyst for ESG initiatives that benefit local residents, for example, implementing green initiatives.
How the Platform Works
Plastic Finance works in two ways: empowering the waste community (such as scavengers, scavengers, etc.) and rewarding those involved in the network. Scavengers will be rewarded for their contributions, where they have the option to earn money in tokens or fiat (real) money. If they prefer crypto tokens, they can actually take part in the platform. They can use this platform to gain access to finance, and this is rare because the trash community is usually the unbanked. Well, with this platform, these unbanked people can finally enjoy financial access
We promote a circular economy by improving recycling systems. Plastic Finance focuses on recycling plastic by increasing the productivity of scavengers. We do not disrupt the waste value chain; As a replacement,
we add value to the value chain to benefit all parties. In addition, we support a tree replanting program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution, further strengthening our commitment to a circular economy. We empower the waste community so that they have a higher social status in society. Plastic Finance aims to empower the waste community.
We focus on activities that will increase their self-esteem, which increases their productivity and well-being. We democratize access to ESG investments. Our efforts to enrich the recycling system and empower the waste community can be sustained and expanded with the help of the investment community. With DApps and DeFi, we are democratizing access for everyone to take part in a global mission to recycle and empower.
Total Hardcap Public Sales = $2,000,000,- (can be planned to be IFO if pre-sale and private sale are successful)
Total Hardcap: $ 3.950.000
PLAS price calculation is pegged to USD value
Plastic Finance focuses on plastic recycling by increasing the productivity of scavengers. Plastic Financing does not disrupt the waste value chain; instead, they add value to the value chain to the benefit of all parties. In addition, we support a tree replanting program to remove carbon from CO2 pollution, further strengthening our commitment to a circular economy.
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