
 Decentralized Exchange on Binance Smart Chain

What is ApeSwap?

The ApeSwap project that went live in February 2021 has amassed over $ 33 million in transaction volume with a daily average of more than 2,500 new users. There's no question about the Binance Smart Chain being the place to be on DeFi right now. You can watch a large number of Auto Market Builders launch every day to see the growth of the BSC space.

It also means unfortunately, that there is probably no shortage of scams, rugs and even honest projects that fail to compete. Creating a project and making it successful is something that requires a lot of experience and is unique. (It should be noted that, the project you want to launch with the help of our ApeSwap Clone script must have some unique functionality to be successful. These can be customized with the help of our white labeled ApeSwap Clone Script.)

There are many, new farms and other AMMs being launched at BSC every day but most of them are offshoots of PancakeSwap or Goose. But there are differences to note here. Many new farms are basically coming with PancakeSwap built-in features, which means platform users will be limited to the functionality and market that PancakeSwap provides. So, to mark the uniqueness ApeSwap makes a difference by controlling the platform by creating your own farm as well as DEX and AMM. This means that over time the platform can experience development as needed. ApeSwap will not be a reflection of PancakeSwap.

What are Non Fungible Apes?

Non Fungible Apes (or NFA) are a collection of 1,000 unique, rare, irreversible, cryptographically generated digital apes. Each ape is created by characterizing a string (such as "Strong Ape") to randomly generate a series of 6 characteristics: Base, Face, Frame, Mouth, Eyes, and Top.

Each characteristic has a different probability of appearing in each ape generation, making some characteristics much rarer than others. For example, only 32 monkeys had laser eyes and only 107 monkeys had sunglasses. Each ape has a score generated based on the combined rarity of its characteristics (more details on rarity can be found on the   Github repo  ).

We then categorized the scores into one of five different levels to determine overall rarity. The rarity levels are as follows:

  • Common Chimpanzee:   Level 1 (500 NFA) - Most common
  • Native Orangutan:   Tier 2 (250 NFA)
  • Alluring Monkeys:   Level 3 (150 NFA)
  • Major Primates:   Level 4 (70 NFA)
  • Magic Monkeys:  Tier 5 (30 NFA) - Paling langka

What is ApeSwap.Finance's vision?

Community - We are DeFi monkeys and we need to take care of each other. A strong, energetic and happy community is ApeSwap's # 1 priority to thrive. We joke about monkeys and bananas, but in the end, our community wins.

$ BANANA Utilities - Our developer monkey will continue to work hard to implement new features to get the most out of your $ BANANA! We understand the importance of creating utility, storage patterns and demand for our dear monkeys.

Collaboration - We understand the importance of working with  other #BSC projects  in space. We are actively looking for and discussing interior projects for mutually beneficial partnerships.

Why Choose ApeSwap?

The Binance Intelligent Chain (BSC) is whoever is currently at Defi, no questions asked. You just have to look at the many Pancake-Swap-style Automated Market Builders (AMMs) being launched every day to see how fast the space is growing.

ApeSwap.Finance will add a 24 hour time key to our smart contract and remove all migration codes (i.e. well-known tapestries). This means that even if one of our monkeys becomes a scammer (they don't want to) and maliciously tries to change the smart contract, you will be able to see the change 24 hours before the action begins. Hence, there will be ZERO benefits for anyone trying to make such a change. Everyone will have enough time to leave the forest with their $ BANANA before changes can be made. Plus there's no migration function! There will be no carpet

 We've updated the smart contract code for Non Fungible Apes to now comply with the 721 standard, so that more platforms (such as third-party marketplaces) can support them. The NFA no longer uses CryptoPunks codes.

You can view   verified Non Fungible Apes smart contracts here  , as well as   a dedicated Github repository with all apes here  .

How do I get my foot in the NFA? 

Non Fungible Apes has not been sold yet…! We are expected to kick off early NFA sales on April 8, working with some of the leading NFT markets in the BSC space to make it happen.

Non Fungible Apes will be released and sold in batches of 100, with the first batch having a listing price of 0.25 BNB for the Common Chimpanzee  , with increased prices for apes with rarer characteristics and special names. Only 1,000 Non-Fungible Apes will ever be released.

That means this first batch will be the cheapest the NFA has ever sold, never again going for under 1 BNB ... get it while it lasts! Oh and we'll have some promos on   Twitter  , so stay tuned there if you're the lucky winner of the NFA😉

So what's your plan with the NFA?

While NFA is a cool novelty for our ApeSwap collectors,   we have full intentions of bringing true utility to our Non Fungible Ape holders  . True, the NFA will not only become more valuable over time from a scarcity perspective, but also from a utility and use case perspective.

Several ApeSwap UIs at work 👀

Initially, the NFA will be integrated into the ApeSwap.Finance platform as a profile photo and a dedicated NFA / NFT page where users can view their collections and explore the entire collection of apes. In the future, ApeSwap NFT holders will be able to receive benefits such as airdrops, early access, and more! We're still looking for the details, 

in the end, we all try to keep up with the next big project. Well ApeSwap was that project and we took the monkey to the moon.
We plan to enforce a number of pillars:

  • Transparency around our tokens and projects, and our actions. We recognize that it will take time to build this trust.
  • Fair launch. Check out the disclosure section, we've listed every decision we made around launching and why we made those decisions.
  • Disclosure of our actions. if we spend developer funds, we'll document what those funds are used for in this section of the GitBook Development Fund and include a TX hash. If we do an update to the smart contract, we will use that time and the document lock too.


How do we plan to develop ApeSwap.Finance!

ApeSwap Future Timeline

March 2021: Introducing the Lottery System, Non Fungible Apes, and additional UI improvements

April 2021: Advanced combustion mechanics (More coming soon!) And an overhaul of the UI, the NFA market

May 2021: Additional utilities and gamification for NFA holders, CEX List

June 2021: Add $ BANANA Governance

September 2021: AutoFarm and Vaults

November 2021: Variable Yield Field

For those who wish to learn more about ApeSwap, check out the following resources:


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