Business skills, integrity, transparency and assurance.

Dear readers, the greetings are endless! We continue to share innovation with you. If you are an investor, you must be able to get the right news to achieve the right goals. Through this page, we will continue to share new projects that will delight you in the future and expand your investment. This is it!
CODEO is a new digital entity that provides a safe and comfortable new computing experience that implements decentralized and unlimited blockchain technology. CODEO is not only a digital asset or payment instrument, CODEO also supports a network of traders and strategic partners that promote the growth of the ecosystem and enable people and users to operate digitally on the CODEO network. Similar to Paypal, CODEO exists and changes all existing payment methods for distributed and peer-to-peer systems. CODEO is LIMA's investment division LIMA, based in British Virgin Island (BVI) Tortola, and distributed and supported by CODEO products and global operations.
Stop CODEO starts from the first stage of the ecosystem. Our market exchange, Archidax, and incubator program will support the growth of digital initiatives and support the use of all CODEO network products that are expressed by startups as members of the archidax and CODEO incubation programs. CODEO will also continue to expand its market network and operations in all cryptocurrency market exchanges throughout the world to provide the best cryptocurrency market. The use of CODEO will continue to increase in all sectors (digital and non-digital) outside the chain. Like Paypal, our vision and mission is to make it easy for users to trade anywhere, anytime, without the fees required by traditional banks. To reach consensus us, we completed IEO for CATEX and SATOEXCHANGE taken by BİNANCE. COINEAL and HUOBI will be included in the list of tasks scheduled for the end of January. Meanwhile, the Archidax Stock Exchange will be launched after January 2020. We will continue to develop our community and our business development team will continue to develop a supplier and operation network that embraces CODEO as a business payment tool globally.
Because CODEO guarantees a value of more than $ 1, CODEO is used not only for trading, but also for valuable trading tools now and in the future. If your CODEO token is cheaper than the global market for less than $ 1, you can trade KO KO. Another advantage of CODEO MARKER is that every year you receive 2% of the cumulative interest rate of the total CODEO MARKER and are calculated at $ 1 per CODEO and 2% of the CODEO JETON receipt. Distributing this 2% interest rate on June 7 every year.
CODEO TOKEN protects all market participants such as investors, traders and CODEO users by protecting those involved in the Coco ecosystem. As a means of payment, CODEO will definitely provide safe and comfortable people who don't deal with market sensitivity or global policies that can support digital currency trading around the world.
Code tokens appear as digital assets that create synergies between products, suppliers and users. This is because of the role of each user in the CODEO ecosystem that drives the global digital economy. With this in mind, CODEO tokens offer a flat rate of 2% for all profits obtained from tokens and all business networks supported by token stores. This is one true CODEO award for all those who praise our CODEO ecosystem.
Codeo can not only be used on any merchant network that works with CODEO tokens, but can also convert Codeo on local and global crypto market exchanges. This will be done on the Archidax Exchange in early 2020. The distribution of CODEO tokens in the global market is carried out according to the needs and values of global trade through markets that work with us throughout the world.

The value of Codeo tokens will gradually develop and develop along with the growth of industry and business in the CODEO ecosystem. Because our vision and mission are valuable digital assets now and in the future, the CODEO token is expected to be a basic alternative for payment instruments such as Paypal. CODEO COIN will be a reliable digital payment method and high investment value. CODEO TOKEN has announced $ 1 trillion to provide users with the right payment methods to drive global economic growth.
Ecosystem development and projects are divided into three phases. The first phase of the project is valid for two years, from the fourth quarter of 2019 to the fourth quarter of 2021. Code Markers will only focus on product development, such as the Archidax Exchange and Digital Startup Incubator Program. At the same time, CODEO TOKEN will provide all cryptocurrency market funding and transportation service providers to the region and around the world to provide the appropriate CODEO providers and facilities. From the second phase until the first quarter of 2024, in April 2024, CODEO will lead to the development of traders who support CODEO. Develop tokens as a method of payment and trade in a network of merchants throughout the world.
The goal of the first quarter of 2025 is to increase public awareness of traditional digital payments and increase the number of investors that can be adjusted using codes and large amounts of social benefits. This development continues to expand by expanding the network of traders and working in various industries, including hospitality, food and beverage, cars, platform games, agriculture and fisheries.
The success of the project and the development of the CODEO token ecosystem cannot support community participation and support. In some countries, the advantages and disadvantages of digital assets and cryptocurrency remain controversial. CODEO can support tokens that are automatically absorbed by all sectors. Meanwhile, for expansion and development to countries that have not yet been approved to receive cryptourrency, CODEO tokens will have CODEO PAY for their brands and products, and with the support used in these countries, they become digital purses looking for solutions. Allowed in this country.
CODEO COIN is always ready to serve you and is always designed as a digital asset that will be developed using the latest technology. ERC 20 is a new technology that will always be developed by CODEO TOKEN 16. In the final calculation, the value of CODEO token growth will continue to increase over time, depending on global market growth and various determinants such as supply and demand parameters.
ARCHIDAX exchange
Archidax, a crypto and digital asset exchange, answers all challenges and challenges faced by blockchain investors or traders, from coin / token exchanges to financing to bank accounts. Archidax offers various access, facilities, speed, security, and convenience for traders or investors to trade and trade.
A. Issues of Scalability and Transaction Speed
There are many crypto currency exchanges made by teams that are currently not qualified and have no experience in trading and financial business. In practice, in the process of operating and conducting crypto exchanges, there is a tendency to create platforms or systems using a simple approach. The fact that the system uses a simple approach or concept can work in a short amount of time, but also affects the growth of system traffic due to the increasing number of users and transactions. This will hamper the development of white paper 07 in crypto exchange, which can be developed as the main platform that can be accessed throughout the world. This may seem simple, but it is very important to support the long-term success of the crypto exchange itself.
B. Security and Defense Systems
The fact that hackers always forget cryptocurrency activities has become a worrying problem for traders and investors. Therefore Archidax focuses on providing security and convenience for traders or investors to trade or trade at Archidax. Our system is built using a standard security system and is audited and tested by experts.
C. Liquidity
Most global trade does not coincide with the current growth in crypto currency exchange rates, so trading existing currencies with crypto currencies cannot be traded and displayed at the same time. Archidax offers the ability to trade a variety of traditional world standard currencies such as USD, GBP, JPY, CNY, SGD, EURO, AUD, IDR into cryptocurrency such as CODEO, BTC, ETH and LTC. From here, you can complete the exchange to your local bank account by carrying out withdrawal activities
D. Customer Service
Current service and customer satisfaction and customer complaint management are problems faced by traders and investors of Crypto Exchanges. For example, minimal handling, slow response, and terrible customer service, especially for customer withdrawals or deposits. Archidax adopted a technology called AI (Artificial Intelligence) in developing features to maximize customer service capabilities. This will allow you to respond to all problems, complaints, and needs needed by traders and investors.
CODEO TOKEN was built with various uniqueness and privileges unlike other Tokens, because CODEO TOKEN exists as a vehicle to form a safe and comfortable digital ecosystem by providing protection not only for security, but also for protecting the business value and value of codeo assets owned by users. in business aspects the Code is designed as a long-term and sustainable digital transaction instrument where CODEO TOKEN is in the future planning stages to be used not only for crypto users and the blockchain industry but CODEO TOKEN continues to build a unique and integrated ecosystem in various industries.
CODEO Is the best investment instrument in the field of digital assets where you will get a variety of benefits and benefits ranging from collateral and value protection to ecosystems and communities that support each other.
Token Information
Token Name - CODEO Token
The symbol is CODEO
Price of token - $ 1
Standard - ERC20
The total number of tokens is 30 billion
Initial Token Offer -3 Billion
February-April 2019
Ideas and Creations
April-August 2019
Archidax Exchange & Trade devlopment
October 2019
Making Codeo & Protocol
08 Nov -8 Des 2019
November - December 2019
IEO tentang Binance
December 2019
Mobile application for iOS & Android
Our Team & Advisor
Founder of PETER BERGSTORM, BitBlock Ventures. Blockchain, Tokenomics, ADVISOR Fundraising
Main CEO | Visionary and Founder of Anchor Stablecoin
Blockhain, Specialist and Founder of
Digital Marketing Evangelism
CODEO is designed to meet a series of needs in the fast growing crypto world by overcoming a number of weaknesses in the efficiency and usefulness of current crypto exchanges. Platform's mainstay liquidity aggregator is the basis for this goal. The machine analyzes prices on a large number of crypto exchanges to fulfill customer orders, which can be divided into several trades in different markets. This functionality is accessed from a single web or mobile portal with a convenient interface and powerful tools for more advanced traders, while allowing a single integrated fee for commissions and withdrawals.
Thus CODEO combines the best features of instant exchange, brokerage and conversion services; and means that users only need to register with one website to benefit from dozens of potential markets. Support for investing in popular IEO and launching special IEO will be included, with users involved with this opportunity directly from their account and CODEO providing the first exchange for new tokens.
All economic activities in CODEO directly or indirectly use CODEO tokens. Trading fees and fees for other services such as margin trading or advertising can be paid in CODEO with a 20% discount, or if paid in another currency, they will be immediately converted to CODEO. CODEO will also be used to vote on platform upgrades and other features. CODEO is the first initiative to deploy a set of innovative technologies in the traditional crypto exchange user interface, dramatically reducing barriers to accessing the crypto market, reducing costs, and shortening user experience far beyond anything currently available.
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