xHumanitas is an organization that was founded with the aim of promoting friendly communication itself, What is xHumanity? XHumanitas is a “more humane” interpersonal organization that stands in stark contrast to other informal communities currently founded with a profound quality and intends to promote friendly communication itself, but in integration, its characteristics, utilize two techniques to form a framework that will be respected. : digital mazuma and fame. Some examples of the main components of xHumanity versus Facebook: xHumanitas is a more "human" social network that differentiates itself from other social networks, which are currently built on morals and aim to promote not only social interaction itself but also its quality, using two ways to get value in the system: cryptocurrency and reputation. Some examples of the key elements of xHumanity compared to Facebook: xHumanitas is a decentralized system, governed by a consensus reached by community m...